Liposuction in Santa Monica | Dr Tiffany B. Grunwald — TBGMD


We all have unwanted fat. Whether our problem area is our hips, our upper arms, or our thighs, excess fat deposits can keep us from looking and feeling our best. Thus, it’s no surprise that liposuction is one of the most commonly sought cosmetic procedures in California and the United States. Liposuction can remove unwanted fat from areas including the hips, abdomen, buttocks, back, flanks, thighs, neck, chin and upper arms, giving you a streamlined, contoured shape. The best candidates for liposuction are fairly fit people with good skin elasticity. Liposuction isn’t meant to be a remedy for obesity, and shouldn’t be performed on someone planning to lose a large amount of weight in the near future. 

To create the contoured body you desire, Dr. Grunwald prefers a super-wet liposuction technique. During the procedure, she will inject fluid into your target areas, then use a metal tube called a cannula to suction the fat away. There are several different methods for liposuction, including tumescent, laser assisted, ultrasonic, nutational and conventional liposuction. During your consultation, Dr. Grunwald will help you determine which technique is best for you. The complication rate for liposuction is extremely low in properly selected patients. After your liposuction, you’ll see a dramatic, permanent improvement in your body shape. Your liposuction procedure will take between 90 minutes and three hours, depending on the number of areas being targeted. A board certified anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia before the surgery. 


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