Male breast reduction surgery will reduce the volume of your breasts
Although we don’t know exactly what causes some men to have Gynecomastia, we do know that this condition, literally translated to “women-like breasts,” can be emotionally devastating. A boy or man with Gynecomastia may struggle with anxiety over an act as simple as removing his shirt at the beach. If the size of your breasts makes you self-conscious about your appearance, you may be a candidate for male breast reduction surgery.
Male breast reduction surgery will reduce the volume of your breasts by removing fat and glandular tissue and, in extreme cases, excess skin. After this one or two-hour surgery, you will have a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured. In some cases, Dr. Grunwald can reduce the size of your breasts with liposuction alone; other times, a small incision may be required to directly remove the breast tissue. In rare cases, the skin may be removed from around the areola. Male breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. The results of this procedure are significant and permanent as long as you maintain a stable weight. In cases of obesity, weight loss may alter Gynecomastia.